Sculptural Exploration
Esthesis is defined as “the normal ability to experience sensation, perception, or sensitivity“.
The Sculpture Garden is an exhibition hall in virtual space, filled with digital objects and animations, interactive pieces, and augmented paintings. Acting as a new platform for exhibiting handmade 3D art at eye level and using the MUCO platform, visitors can walk around together and admire virtual sculptures, in much the same way as they are usually experience in physical museums. In 2022, the theme is Serenity, where painter and 3D artist Elena Tritean invites you to a series that interprets antique themes in a modern (neon-colored) light. Future versions of the sculpture Garden will all be created by local talent and artists in network with PHV and emergent from the environment in Viborg where digital production is common. The works in the Sculpture Garden will feature artists with varied exposure to VR frameworks often resulting in a novel and fresh approach. This coupled with the museum scale multi-user VR is an engaging format for exhibition during this period, but also for ad-hoc engagements as something that can fill gaps in the exhibition schedule when larger works are not featured.
Experience Together
This piece is an exploration of multi-user VR, so the ability to be in a shared virtual experience simultaneously. This gives a new dimension to the experience, and and makes it more like being in a “real” museum.
Museum-scale VR
This experience is taking place on a 250m2 making this a vast space for free exploration, larger than most other VR installations.
Esthesis is supported by Statens Kunstfond.